Ireland’s DPC Issues Employee Data Protection Guidance Ireland’s Data Protection Commission announced fresh employer guidance on handling the data of current, former and prospective employees. The DPC said the guidance is aimed at standard data collection, including employees’ names and contact information, but added employers need to also consider nontraditional data like “information on occupational […]
Articles Tagged: US
Intelligence Feed: April 2023
Washington Senate Passes Health Data Bill In a 27-21 vote, the Washington Senate passed HB 1155 proposed legislation on the collection, sharing, and selling of consumer health data. The bill grants consumers the right to access, delete and withdraw consent regarding health data, requires regulated entities and small businesses to obtain consent to collect, share or sell […]
Intelligence Feed: February 2023
Latest Revisions to Colorado Privacy Act Draft Rules The Colorado attorney general’s office released the second set of revisions to the Colorado Privacy Act draft regulations. Changes from the last revisions released in January include tweaks to business requirements for privacy notices, universal opt-out mechanisms, and honoring consumer rights and opt-out requests. With rules for […]
Intelligence Feed: January 2023
California Privacy Law The California Consumer Privacy Act went into effect in 2020 and was recently amended by the California Privacy Rights Act, which entered into force January 1. Additional targeted privacy legislation passed by the state legislature in 2022, including the California Age-Appropriate Design Code Act. “California Privacy Law,” now in its newly updated fifth […]
Intelligence Feed: August 2022
Government Agrees to Indonesian Data Protection Authority Indonesia’s House of Representatives and relevant government agencies agreed to the creation of a supervisory authority that will oversee the enforcement of the Personal Data Protection Bill. Authorization for the authority will come through a presidential decree after lawmakers and government agencies debated whether the proposed regulator would […]